Laurentien's Thematic Yearbook: Elegant Simplicity

This Laurentien's exclusive yearbook will minimize the workload for you and your dedicated staff while maximizing the impact of your cherished memories.

Spread happiness!

1. Choose the theme

Each theme consists of a cover and inside pages divided into different sections: the school, classes, graduates, school life and sponsors. Simply select your sections and indicate the number of people to be presented in each one to know how many pages are required for your project.

2. Download the photos

In Boogie, our online application requires no software installation, you simply drag the photos and their corresponding names into the intuitive interface for the theme chosen. If the photo quality is poor, you will receive a message as soon as it is uploaded.

3. Write your texts

Boogie Text will help you write and correct texts for the school staff and graduates. This app makes this stage of the project extremely efficient.

  • Online editing interface with confidential login
  • Built-in spellcheck
  • Automatic text sorting by alphabetical order
  • The most recent versions of write-ups are kept in one place to simplify editing

4. Approve the page layout

As soon as you confirm that you have finished uploading photos and write-ups, a member of our technical team will ensure that everything is in the correct place. The school will receive a PDF proof before final printing.


Format: 8.5 X 11 in

Cover: Flexible and customized to fit the theme’s template or the layout provided by the school

Paper type: Gloss

Minimum number of pages: 32 pages; multiple of 2 for additional pages

Delivery: 6 weeks after uploading all your photos and write-ups