Grad Section Template
How many students per page should we have?
The list of students may change in a year. Remember to keep it updated.

What if each student had more than one photo?
Baby | Best Friend | Family Member | Passion | Pet

What if we separate students into different group?
Personality (brave, funny, academic, athletic) | School program (sports, arts) | Passions and hobbies
Which style should we use for write-ups?
Voxpop with question and answer | Quotes | Birthdate | Parent message

Rest easy knowing that Laurentien will approve your templates for FREE! We’ll ensure your images are crisp and clean and that the automatic layout function works flawlessly.
Check that the page items fit within the margins | Adjust the items to their optimum size for the space on the page | Align and standardize your text boxes and photo frames | Link images and text to use with automatic layout | Make sure the texts will be readable once the yearbook is printed | Create a mirror-image template for symmetrical spreads (if desired)