
Technicals Specs

Image Quality Tips for Your Yearbook

In order to use your photos at any size within your yearbook, it is advisable to set your camera  at the highest quality available for JPEG files, along with the maximum resolution (or largest file size). While terminology and dimensions might differ among camera models, you can typically locate similar options as demonstrated below in the Shooting menu:

  • Image Quality: Fine
  • Image Size: Large (3872 x 2592)
  • ISO: 100-400 (varies according to prevailing lighting conditions)

Grad Photos and Endpapers

Here is the information you can share with the photographer to ensure that you receive the best image files for your yearbook.
  Technical Specifications
Dimensions (px) ISO Aperture Shutter speed
Group photos for Endpapers 5475 x 3675 400 or less f/11 and up 1/60
Portraits (grads, teachers, etc.) 2400 x 3000 200 or less


Image sizes are calculated to produce the best image for a given dimension with a resolution of 300 PPI. If your PPI (pixels per inch) is too low for the size of your image, it will be blurry. If your resolution is higher than what we recommend, you don’t need to reduce it.

To learn more about the dimensions of endpapers, scroll down to the «templates for download» section.


Graduation Photos

In order for the committee to utilize the automatic layout function ( text-and-image linking), it is essential that the student's first and last name are included in the image filename. There can be other characters in the filename, whether at the beginning, middle, or conclusion (e.g., IMG5000_Genevieve_Ferland-P1.jpg). However, the elements must consistently maintain the same sequence within every filename.


Template for download

The image resolution has to be 300 DPI or higher when at full size.

 You can submit the following file types for your yearbook:

  PDF file (.pdf)

  Photoshop (.tiff, .jpg, .png, .psd) : If your file is in PSD format, it must include all layers to facilitate editing, if applicable. You must also provide all fonts used. Templates are available for download below.

  InDesign 2023 or more recent (packaging required)  How to create packages using InDesign

  Illustrator (.ai, .eps)


Photoshop guides chart


Maintain Your Image Ratio!

Software programs like Photoshop offer the option to alter the resolution (image size) of an image. However, if you choose to do so, it's crucial to maintain the consistent ratio between the image's height, width, and resolution. Any alteration to this ratio can lead to an erroneous resolution, which in turn jeopardizes our ability to assure the impeccable quality of the printed image.


5 points to verify before sending your files

  The margin around the page is 0.25 in (0.635 cm)

  The margin at the binding is 0.5 in (1.27 cm)

  Pages do not include the page numbers

  Your Photoshop file includes all the overlays so we can make any required adjustments

  You provided all character fonts and links to be used for assembly

Copyright-Free Images Using Google Search


  • Visit this link:
  • Enter your desired image in the search bar
  • Confirm your search by clicking the magnifying glass icon or pressing "Enter" on your keyboard

Advanced Search

  • Click on the search parameters icon located in the upper right corner. Choose "Advanced search" from the dropdown menu that appears.
  • Select "Large" in the "Refine search by..." section to adjust the size of the image.
  • In the "User fee" menu, select "free of any fee use, distribution, or modification, including commercial purposes."
  • Click on the blue "Advanced search" icon to launch your search.

Please note that these search parameters are temporary and will need to be reset for each subsequent search.